Dreaming of a Beautiful Landscape Design? We Can Make It Come to Reality!

Miami Landscape Lead Designer Miami Landscape Lead Designer

When creating your dream landscaping, we strive for not only beauty…but longevity. It is not uncommon that within in months from a landscaping installation, if not installed correctly may not last long due to a number of reasons: non-native plants, misplacement, and non-efficient irrigation.  Our Miami Landscape Lead Designer Steve Blaum knows what works by carefully selecting plants that fit your home and lifestyle. Even after our project we offer a quarterly maintenance for our clients with a GUARANTEE: everything we install will live! If not, we will replace at no extra charge.

Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Landscaping, Irrigation, Waterscapes and Hardscapes

Whitefly Infestations Miami

Whitefly Infestations Are Not Plant-Friendly. Find out Why!

Whitefly Infestations Miami

South Florida has been plagued for nearly five years by nuisance whiteflies, but a new strain is turning leaves on ficus plants sticky and stained.

This new species is popping up “in pockets” across South Florida and leaving ficus hedges weakened or unsightly. It’s the third nuisance strain of whitefly to hit South Florida, but the others “never had this icky excrement,” said Michael Orfanedes, a commercial horticulture agent with Broward County Extension Education.

The new species, discovered locally in the past month, is called Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly. They look like white blotches on the top of ficus leaves. As they feed, the flies excrete a sticky goo that leads to black discoloration from sooty mold fungus, said Orfanedes.

It’s too early to know the extent of local damage and how much homeowners will have to spend to replace damaged plants, he said.

About four weeks ago Orfanedes said, he received a call from Charles Livio, the city horticulturist in Oakland Park, to investigate an “odd type insect infestation.” Orfanedes checked it out and thought to himself: “I don’t know what this is, but it doesn’t look good.” He sent a sample to state officials who said it “looked like what had been discovered in Collier County” – Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly.

The bugs leave a “sticky mess,” Orfanedes said. To counteract them, he said, some people are releasing “beneficial” insects like ladybugs and predatory wasps. Certain insecticides can treat the problem, or better yet, “replace the ficus hedge and be done with it,” he advised.

Livio said a city employee discovered the problem in a resident’s front yard.

“It’s very noticeable because unlike the previous Whitefly Infestations Miami, this whitefly is also noticeable on the top surface of the leaf,” Livio said.

The flies present no health concerns for people, but “for ficus, it’s one more nail in the coffin,” Orfanedes said.

SOURCE: Sun-sentinel
Courtyard Garden Design Miami

A Courtyard Design to Keep Your Garden Neat!

Courtyards of Miami

Commonly described as intimate, intriguing, and inviting, front courtyard gardens serve as a transition from the chaos on the streets and in the world, to the serenity of your garden and home.

In areas with warm climates like California or the Southwest, a front courtyard is often used as an outdoor living space. While in the colonial architecture seen in New Orleans and other areas in the South, formal courtyard landscaping is common in entryways.

However, no matter where you live, courtyard landscaping ideas for your outdoor spaces can add to your home’s curb appeal.

Read more “A Courtyard Design to Keep Your Garden Neat!”

Front Yard Landscaping Miami

Upgrade Your Curb Appeal with the Help of Our Best Landscape Designers!

Front Yard Landscaping Miami

A good first impression can make a world of difference when you’re selling your home. By upgrading your curb appeal, you have a chance to influence how potential buyers feel about your home before they even step inside.

While it’s important to balance the money you spend on improvements with a realistic idea of what you can recoup, many improvements to your landscaping can cost little, compared to the benefits of increased home value and a faster sale.

Front Yard Landscaping Miami should be colorful and attractive. But a garden that reads “high-maintenance” can scare people away, so it’s important to keep landscaping neat and uncluttered. Below is a list of some simple ways to improve your curb appeal when selling your home. Also, here is a list of 7 unique approaches to front yard landscaping.

Get a fresh perspective
Before you can choose which projects to start with, it helps to see your landscape with fresh eyes and a broad, overall view. We get so used to our landscaping that it can be hard to pinpoint what others might see. There are two simple tricks to seeing your landscape with a new viewpoint. With both of these techniques, the goal is to forget what you think you know about your landscape and to instead see what is actually there.

The first is an old artist’s trick. Stand back from your landscape, far enough away that you can see all of it at once. Then squint your eyes until they blur, and try to clear your mind.

There may be areas that, when viewed with blurred eyes, appear dark and overgrown. Some areas might feel messy because there are too many small plantings, statues, or pots. Or, you may have an area that is bright and clean, but a little too bare. All of these insights can give you a general idea of which projects to tackle first.

The second technique you can use to see your landscape with fresh eyes is to take some black and white photographs of your landscaping. Taking color away can make a familiar space seem new, so you can see it with objective eyes. Nowadays, most digital cameras have a black and white setting, so this is easy to do even if you’re not a techno-whiz.

Define the borders and add mulch
Clean edges fool the eye into seeing the entire landscape as neat and well-maintained. If lawn has crept into your garden beds and created an uneven line, then defining the border can improve the look of the whole landscape.

Start by laying out a garden hose, or using spray chalk to outline the new border. Don’t make the beginner’s mistake of creating a wavy, “drunken snake” of a line; instead go for broad, sweeping curves that are in scale with the size of your home. Then, use a mattock or pulaski to chip away at the grass until you have a clean, attractive line.

Once you’ve established a neat border, a layer of wood chip mulch adds a refined look. Not only does it help keep weeds down during the selling process, but the bright color is attractive, smooths out an uneven soil surface, and generally gives the landscaping a professional finish.

Prune overwhelming shrubs
While pruning can be tough to tackle if you don’t know what you’re doing, there are a few simple pruning techniques that can make a fast difference.

Just remember that you don’t want to prune anything severely if you can help it, or attack anything with the hedging shears unless the plant is quite clearly meant to be a hedge. That kind of pruning makes it obvious that the maintenance got out of control, which is not the signal you want to send to potential buyers!

Instead, focus on subtler ways of pruning. One technique that makes shrubs look neat with little effort is to “skirt” them. Skirting is when you prune around the base of a shrub, removing any branches that are within 6 inches of the ground. This gives a more open appearance, and works wonders on Rhododendrons and other shrubs that can look moundy and overwhelming when sprawling on the ground

Another good pruning task is to gently prune any plant that is touching the house. Plants that lean on the house can cause chipped paint as well as mold and ant infestations. If your buyer has a home inspection done, it’s a problem that will be noted in the report. Pruning plants 8 inches to 1 foot away from the house will give the landscaping a more open appearance, as well as give you room to power wash the house or touch up paint as needed.

The only shrubs that should be pruned heavily are those that are flopping over a walkway, blocking the view from the street to the front door, or keeping light from streaming into a window. Even then, it’s better to thin plants gracefully or consider even removing them, rather than going in for The Big Chop.

Add color with paint and pots
If a focal area isn’t drawing the eye as it should (think front door, patio and seating areas), a bold shot of color can be just what’s needed. While the obvious solution is to use container plantings, there are a few important points to remember.

First, less is more. Choose just one or two larger pots that have a distinctive color or shape, rather than lots of small pots that can feel cluttered.

Next, go for a simple one- or two-color planting scheme that highlights what is special about your home, like the color of the stone, trim, or surrounding shrubs. This keeps the focus on your home, rather than on the individual plantings.

Lastly, don’t be afraid of paint. If your patio furniture looks tired and worn, it will be hard for potential buyers to envision themselves sitting there. Freshly stained or painted patio furniture can draw the eye and help buyers imagine the great times they’ll have in their new landscape. Choose a color that picks up on some element in the landscaping, and add a few cushions to set the scene.

Ask for help
Most landscape designers offer a one-time consultation service. If you’re having trouble deciding what to focus on, even a short meeting with a professional can help you pinpoint the tasks that will bring the greatest return.

As you can see from these projects, even a small investment in the landscape goes a long way towards increasing your curb appeal and making it more likely that buyers will fall in love with your home.

 Call us at (305) 662-7045
Landscape Design Miami

Design Your Landscape to Perfection! Check out These Tips

Landscape Design Miami

When landscaping a yard, walkways often get overlooked. We concern ourselves with pools, patios, and plant selections, but then we neglect to consider how to connect the different spaces in our yard. By ignoring paths, a garden can become disjointed because of the lack of thought put into the transitions and connections.

Not only do walkways guide people throughout your yard, they can also be used to create a mood or atmosphere. You’ll want to start by determining if you are trying to create a formal or informal feeling. Then you’ll need to make a number of important decisions regarding shape, dimensions and materials, which can range from simple gravel to decorative stamped concrete. Other factors to consider include your budget, the desired traffic flow, the amount of foot traffic your walkway will receive, and safety.

Get these tips

In this section, you’ll find tips from landscaping professionals on:

  • The differences between formal garden paths (characterized by straight lines and right angles) and informal pathways (typically curved and meandering), along with advice on where each style works best.
  • Recommended walkway widths for different traffic flow patterns and frequency of use.
  • Selecting materials for a front yard walkway, considering such factors as curb appeal, your home’s exterior architecture, and safety.
  • Determining the best placement for backyard walkways to create destination zones and a natural traffic flow from one area to another.
  • Using a combination of walkways, patios and planting beds as an alternative to a backyard lawn.
  • Landscape Design Miami tricks for varying the width of a path at certain points in the garden to indicate that the visitor has arrived at a destination, such as a shady bench under a tree.
  • The characteristics and applications for the most popular walkway materials (gravel, brick pavers, flagstone and concrete), along with design ideas for each.
  • Choosing among the many decorative options available for concrete walkways, including adding color by staining or integral pigments, imparting pattern and texture through stamping or saw cutting, exposing the aggregate, and adding decorative borders.
  • Using outdoor path lighting for both safety and wayfinding, including advice on path lighting mistakes to avoid.
  • How to choose among the options and styles available for path lighting, including lanterns, lamps, posts, recessed fixtures, and solar lighting.
  • Using pathway edging to create a manicured look, to keep gravel or other loose paving materials in place, and to keep plants and mulch off walkways.
  • How to emphasize a path’s shape with plantings, such as using formal boxed hedges as a border along a straight-edged walkway.

Don’t ignore the important roles pathways can play in your home’s overall landscape. Be sure to consult with a landscape designer for advice on choosing the best materials and specifications.

SOURCE: http://www.landscapingnetwork.com/walkways/