10 Privacy Plants

Privacy Landscaping Plants

Seeking some additional privacy from your neighbors? Want to block out some unwanted noise? There is no need to invest in an unsightly, exorbitantly costly fence. Our team can help you by planting privacy trees! Living privacy fences do not demonstrate the only benefit of these plants. They can block out unwanted neighbors while simultaneously increasing your property value and benefitting the environment!

Planting living privacy screen is an excellent option to bolster privacy within your yard. You can grow either a hedge or a screen while keeping your privacy fenced with natural greenery. A hedge typically consists of a densely planted row of a singular shrub variety. A shrub grows quickly and also receives shearing to create a formal look. On the contrary, a screen consists of tall, narrow trees planted tightly in a row.

Top 10 Privacy Landscaping Plants


Japanese/Texas privet (Ligustrum)
Japanese/Texas privet (Ligustrum)

Privet hedges adorning property lines provides a classic look. Landscape architects ideally seek privet hedges to cultivate an optimal private setting while offering a natural look. A Japanese/Texas privet is a fast-growing evergreen shrub that produces beautiful white flowers.

 Red Tip Photinia
Red Tip Photinia

Red tip photinia is a mid-sized evergreen shrub featuring youthful red foliage during the spring. The red aesthetic of leaves is a stark contrast to the older green leaves as the plant ages. Red tip photinia produces white flowers in the spring if not pruned during the earlier seasons.

Podocarpus (yew, icee blue, gracilior)

Podocarpus (yew, icee blue, gracilior)

A hardy, attractive plant, podocarpus is an optimal low-maintenance choice for sun or shade. A great-looking garden design regardless if pruned regularly or allowed to grow naturally. Podocarpus is a slow-growing evergreen tree producing minimal landscape debris.

 Juniper (Juniperus)

Juniper (Juniperus)

Juniper can range from low ground shrubberies to taller trees. Close together, juniper trees and shrubs at several feet tall can provide the perfect privacy screen while offering an elegant aesthetic. Juniper is embellished with silver-blue juniper berries harvested for gin.


Arborvitae (Thuja)
Arborvitae (Thuja)

Arborvitae is a popular privacy screening greenery. Green giant arborvitae possesses a beautiful round as well as upright shape, with a dark green hue all year long. Planted properly, arborvitae growing provides a solid privacy barrier that is low maintenance, as well as long-living.



Viburnum is a sturdy shrub for hedges as well as privacy landscaping plants screens. Traveling through South Florida, you can see Viburnum virtually anywhere. The plant sprouts white blossoms in the spring accompanied by a sweet scent.


Wax Myrtle (Myrica)
Wax Myrtle (Myrica)

Wax myrtle is a fast-growing plant native to South Florida. The plant is very resilient to hot, cold, wet, as wel as even salty conditions. You can groom the foliage to create an elegant, formal look, or let the plant grow into an upright bush.



Rhododendrons provide one of the best living sound barriers. Their dense evergreen leaves reflect noise pollution. There are no other species as effective at maintaining privacy in addition to minimalizing noise pollution.



A bamboo privacy screen provides beautiful evergreen foliage as well as old world style elegance. Bamboo can be temperamental about growing conditions such as sunlight exposure, cold weather, heart, in addition to humidity tolerance. Nevertheless, bamboo provides a preeminent option for both aesthetics and privacy.

African Boxwood

African Boxwood

African boxwood is a rugged plan ideally suited in hot or sunny locations. Fresh growth emerges with a red tinge, changing into a deep green as it matures. African boxwood exists in male, as well as female forms. The female plant produces purple berries.


When you decide on a plant for privacy, it is important to understand the characteristics you need for your space or purpose. You can determine the best-suited plants for your property utilizing this knowledge. As a result, your landscape can boast an optimal privacy landscaping plants screen.

Desired Traits for Privacy Landscaping Plants:

  • Fast-growing
  • Evergreen
  • Broad, dense leaves
  • Able to tolerate trimming

If you plan on growing your privacy landscaping plants screen in a narrow area, opt for a columnar variety. If you possess a spacious, expansive plot of land, you can additionally employ pyramidal varieties. There are numerous plant varieties available to create the best possible privacy hedge while you increase your enjoyment concerning your green expanse. The types of privacy landscaping plants are extraordinarily diverse from strain to strain. However, with our assistance, you can find the ideal solution for your unique property while meeting your needs.

For more information on privacy landscaping plants, in addition to different hedge types, contact Blaum Landscaping. Our team is dedicated to landscape design while helping our clients achieve the optimal privacy level they desire. We can create a unique solution involving elegant greenery to provide your lawn with a beautiful aesthetic.

This involves ensuring our team meets every expectation and design features such as an eating or sitting area secluded in your property’s natural aesthetic. In addition to being beautiful, our privacy landscaping plants ensure that your intended seclusion remains intact.

SOURCE: explora.com

Shady Yard Solutions Miami

Solutions for Shady Yards

Shady Yard Solutions Miami

Shade grows moss, it makes a yard cold and dreary, darkens interior rooms and omits sun loving flowers. Finding Shady Yard Solutions Miami an existing shade condition is not easy, and options are few. But there are ways you and your designer can use plants to make shady conditions far more appealing.

Design for shady spaces keeping these four techniques in mind:

  • Technique #1: Thin Canopy trees
  • Technique #2: Create the Illusion of Sun Dappling – Includes a list of the top variegated shade plants.
  • Technique #3: Shady Shrubs for North Foundations – Includes a list of the top shade-loving shrubs.
  • Technique #4: Add Excitement to Shade with Perennials – Includes a list of the top perennials for shade.

Evaluate the Degree of Shade Before You Start
Not all shade is the same. The first task is to evaluate the quality of your shade to determine if it will grow plants at all.

LIGHT SHADE A few hours of direct sun each day. Many plants grow here.
MEDIUM SHADE Little direct sunlight. A few plants grow here.
DEEP SHADE No direct sunlight. No plants grow here.

Once you determine your level of shade, you can evaluate which plants are suitable. The techniques available for maximizing design in shaded areas will make your yard not only usable but beautiful as well.

Call us at (305) 662-7045

SOURCE: Landscaping Network